
Middle aged White woman receives resume coaching from Andrea Schell.

Resume Writing

To get the process rolling, we schedule a 60-90 minute kick-off Zoom or phone call.

On this call, you talk and I type.

Using a Challenge/Strategy/Result framework, I help you sift through your experience and uncover those hidden moments of leadership that led to strong results. (Keep in mind that results can be both quantitative & qualitative!)

Then you go relax (or start gathering positions to apply to) and I get to work.

I take all this information and design a resume that highlights your skill set and accomplishments, while making it clear as a bell what you do and what you have to offer.

After I’ve sent you the draft to review, we will have a 30 minute Zoom session to go over your notes, make sure that I’ve said everything correctly, and that it represents you.

I will then finalize the resume and send it to you in both PDF and Word format.

From there, you can begin your job search and the next step of your career!


  • Confidence coaching

  • Clarity on how to talk about your experience

  • An editable resume in Word + Coaching on best practices in making changes

  • A final resume in PDF format

  • Two Zoom/phone calls: One 60-90 minute kick off + One 30 minute review call. (I’m happy to schedule brief check-in/update calls if needed.)

  • Email/text support throughout the process

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A 30-something Black woman is happy about the LinkedIn profile Andrea Schell has created for her.

LinkedIn Profile

Once we have your resume finalized, it’s time to get started on that LinkedIn profile.

I’ll review each section of your profile, from your profile pix (oh yes!) and cover image to your headline, skills list, and URL.

I provide guidance and an easy way to get a great profile pix, if yours needs updating. I will create a cover image to help brand you and your experience, and then I will get to what I love most about LinkedIn, the 2,600 character “About” section. This is where you really get to shine, express your personal mission and motto, and plant a flag as a leader in your field.

I ensure the language and tone of your LinkedIn profile matches your resume and your keywords are peppered throughout.

And yes, I will also SEO your LinkedIn so when you get Googled, there will be greater chance your LinkedIn will come up, as opposed to that old MySpace page you can’t figure out how to delete.

A complete and professional LinkedIn profile is as important these days as a resume and most people have both.


  • Advice and guidance on your LinkedIn profile picture

  • A “branded-lite” cover image

  • A 2600-character “About” section that showcases your voice, leadership, and expertise

  • A LinkedIn “Experience” section that matches your resume

  • A clear “Headline”

  • An Updated “Skills” section

  • SEO of your profile picture, cover image, and profile

  • Overall updates ensuring education, volunteer, and projects are listed and formatted properly

  • An updated LinkedIn URL, if needed

  • Up to two 30-minute Zoom/phone calls to review and finalize your profile

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A middle-aged White woman is excited to discuss the excellent cover letter Andrea Schell wrote.

Cover Letters

With your resume and LinkedIn both looking professional and pristine, you are ready to apply for that job! All you need now is a cover letter! While I take the stance that tailoring a resume for a each job is crazy-making, tailoring your cover letter is imperative.

You will send me one job description and I will write the cover letter for that position. Once your cover letter is done, I will send you a draft. We will schedule a 30-minute Zoom call so I can get your notes and create a final version.

Once that is complete, I will teach you best practices in tailoring the cover letter for additional positions you want to apply for.


  • Cover letter coaching

  • My cover letter format

  • Cover letter letterhead that matches your resume

  • An editable cover letter in Word

  • One 30-minute review Zoom/phone call

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A 20-something White woman is happy with her new personal website created by Andrea Schell.

Personal Websites

If you are someone, like me, who has worked on a gagillion projects, whether as a freelancer or in your company, a personal website showcasing your work might be just the perfect thing for you.

I create visuals that will set you up as a leader in your field using a clean, streamlined design.

A personal website is an additional avenue of engagement for networking and will help you stand out in your job search.


  • A fresh, “branded-lite” website that showcases you as a leader in your field

  • Visuals that make your accomplishments stand out

  • Language and tone that matches your resume and LinkedIn profile

  • Your resume uploaded to your site

  • A custom URL (FYI if you think you might ever want a personal website, go ahead and grab now - that way you have it when you are ready!)

  • Website SEO

  • Coaching on how to easily update your website in the future should you need to

  • One 30-minute design call and one 30-minute review call.

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Packages & Pricing

  • An older Indian woman happily signs up for resume writing services with Andrea Schell.


    Resume Only


    • Two Zoom/phone calls: One 60-90 minute kick off + One 30 minute review call. Email/text support

    • Confidence coaching

    • Clarity on talking points

    • An editable resume in Word + final PDF

    Pricing starts at $700

  • An older White woman loves working with Andrea Schell on her resume and LinkedIn profile.


    Resume + LinkedIn

    Includes The Resume +:

    • Two 30-minute Zoom/phone calls

    • Profile picture review

    • A “branded-lite” cover image

    • A 2600-character “About” section

    • Update of all sections

    • SEO of your profile picture, cover image, and profile

    Pricing starts at $1200

  • A young woman is over-the-moon about how great the resume, LinkedIn profile, and cover letter created by Andrea Schell look.


    Resume + LinkedIn + Cover Letter

    Includes The Perfect Duo +:

    • Cover letter coaching

    • A cover letter format

    • Cover letter letterhead that matches your resume

    • An editable cover letter in Word

    Pricing starts at $1400

  • A brown haired woman is ecstatic about the resume, LinkedIn profile, cover letter, and personal website Andrea Schell created for her.


    Resume + LinkedIn + Cover Letter + Website

    Includes The Triple Threat +:

    • A “branded-lite” website that showcases your experience

    • Projects listed in a visually engaging way

    • Website SEO

    • A custom URL

    Pricing starts at $2100

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